Tuesday, August 26, 2014




This month brings you the highlights of change. The glistening and glittering streams of thoughts that show that all that glitters may not be gold however, it may be the step towards change. You are determined to focus upon the that which enables you to progress with results.

Look forward to leaps and changes in career as you find the right avenues or agreements arrive. This is more than music to your ears, this is SHOW TIME. The energy of this month will prop you up on a pedestal and display your in your finest hour all month long. 

How perfect! this is your moment in the sun. Your time to rock and roll with shimmer. This is where your mojo returns with a Hi Five and an Oh Yeah!

So, lets get on with this rest of September and all its offering. 

Money will be all about agreements. Expect there to be plenty of opportunities to secure the right finances, a loan or pay out. As governments are ruled this month you may find taxation, funding or other legislation brings in a bit of a bounty. 

This could also highlight redundancies, packages, new employment and other securities that enlist legal documents and forms. For some this could just imply a new credit card or banking institution. Just the reassurance that you will have the support is what will make this month breeze through with ease.

Home and family will see possibility of new moves or changes. There could be direct discussions about changes that will be implemented within the next 6 to 8 months. You could see yourself signing a lease, purchasing a property or entering into agreements for hire purchase, specific loans for home wares or repairs.

As this month is dedicated to hard work and good results you could find yourself looking at producing a home business out of your own initiatives with grand results. So this month is up to you, take it or leave it. If you wish to make an impact and leave a lasting impression, September supports you.

The money spent or investing with the family could bring you into retaining services of a specialized kind. This may connect with specialist,m surgeons or qualified professionals that are equipped to assist. There will possible be several meetings, interviews or procedures before you are comfortable with the work that will be agreed upon.

It will seem as though the universe is supporting your every preconceived thought as you wade your way through this month overcoming each challenge of previous months with success.

Love and romance is possibly the only hiccup. This is not to say you will not be wowed by this months vibrations of holding you close and caressing your fondest dreams. It may just imply it is more about being there in a more supportive role enabling you both to find your own footing or pursuits towards;.

Although this is more a dominate month for males or stronger people in your life. It could be all about them rather than you. Nice for those who have been waiting on their partner to pop that question or start to work together on a dream or the next stage of a relationship. For others, step back and see are you allowing situations to become too over bearing.

In the world - expect governments to butt heads and for bills and legislation to suddenly be passed. There is a shake up and it will happen without warning. There is a rebellion happening and all will be caught up in this massive energy of change. 

You could hear more about India, Mexico and Afghanistan along with the UK and France. There seems that a lot of activity happening concerning governments, talks or even changes to be made will have a strong basis towards order, movement and changes within the laws. Also look towards other dominate countries making the news and political awareness to rise more in the media "Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Greece, ,Lithuania, Orkney Islands, Cuba, Cameroon, Burma, Haiti, Lebanon and Sudan"

Although Australia will also have its own issue with political parties it may be that we are about to see some stiff opposition from those in positions to increase pressure for better changes. The government will be feeling more than its usual share of pressure as the general public/population make those in positions of power more accountable. This could see the rise of some stiffer penalties or fines being introduced.

If there was one time to get the power heads together to work out a plan this month could deliver such action. Let's see if they will use it for good or for dominance. 

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