Be Ethical
When undertaking any pathway there needs to be responsible action. This could come as a shock to some but unfortunately not everyone is ethical in their work with spirit, or the responsibility it entails when delivering a service.
A lot of people talk about karma, well believe it or not you can create karma for yourself and the person you are delivering to when you over step the universal law of boundaries. An intentional act such as delivering from ego not from spirit, misleading or defrauding, creating angst and despair are all unethical traits. They often leave the receiver depleted, confused and fearful of their rightful path.
Some may decide to dictate life events as “you must” “if I was you” ” don’t do it “statements. Others may use the privilege of information received to appear superior to the receiver and dismissing the receivers right to not wish to be open to this information at this time.
If the information is relevant the receiver would already know this and be open to the information received as in knowing it is being clarified ( they already sensed this situation or outcome). They may have had instances of the information being presented many times through actions, dreams, messages and other forms of communication/intuitive connection.
When a deliverer dictates, over rides the receivers free will, sets up a path of fear and disconnection. This creates a karmic tie between the deliverer and the receiver. The deliverer must be prepared to take responsibility for their own actions and the impact they are creating in the life of the receiver. This is accepting that the deliverer is to work from the highest source and deliver as it is given not as it is perceived or changed by the deliverer’s ego, to then be handed onto the receiver. The highest source knows what is to be delivered and will utilise the information to do just that, connect with the receiver for their own betterment and soul’s growth.
At different life stages the receiver will seek information that is verified from the deliverer as to what is the next phase, stage or growth pattern. This is where the deliverer is seeked out to assist in clarifying and showing the receiver the information that is truth and of relevance in the NOW and at the receivers immediate life time ready to be adhered to, decided upon or complete this journey or experience. This is the receivers choice to complete this path/experience not the deliverers demands to do such.
The key is knowledge that is delivered with no attachment to ego. Delivered through a whole connection with the highest source and not fragmented to opinions or beliefs of the deliverer. It is information that the receiver will identify with and it is not the deliverers message but the receivers. This is not the deliverers journey and the deliverer should reserve all judgement on how the receiver should utilise this information being communicated.
We do not fully understand the relationship the receiver is building with their own life. Caution in leading on a receiver is necessary as the human bond can be fragile and exposed. Being ethical means you do not over step the boundaries of trust, you do not exploit anyone who is emotionally vulnerable and you do not lose respect for your path and you own work with spirit.
When we choose this path we are in a position of growth not superiority. The lessons that arise often are that of human mirroring and experience. Each person that enters your life through your path will have a certain expectation on what should be delivered to them. Unfortunately it is often not the case for spirit. They choose the right messages to come forth and it is not up to you to decipher, make sense or even explain the message. This is what the receiver has come to hear at a level be it soul, conscious or subconsciously. The message or information will be instrumental in their own life path.
Although exploitation can be experienced by the deliverer by a receiver it is often customary to set up the boundary or guild lines so that the deliverer is not left depleted and removed from their own existence.
The debacle about money is often highly debated. I once was told when you perform a service you are paid for that service. If you give it away all the time it is disrespected and often abused by those who seek but continue to not listen to their own promptings
Whether to record a reading or a delivery -if you are working within spirit their should be no need to fear putting the information received to media. If you set up the guidelines of what the session may entail and stay within the boundaries. Working from the highest source and not ego means you will deliver the correct information each time.
Free will is given to us all. We have a choice to listen, to follow, to initiate, to heal, to let go, to grow, to stay stagnant. The choice is not judged by others but by what each individual may choose as it is their life and their right to do with the information they deem fit. Each journey is different and each individual has their own path and lessons to endure and experience.
Try not to create a karmic tie. Over sympathising, empathising, overly being compassionate or cohesion is is a delicate balance between doing a journey for someone or allowing them to have the experience and grow from it. We are all on our own pathways and it is not unusual for a beginner to be caught in the emotional body of responsibility when it comes to delivering. Remember you also have personal boundaries. What one can end to do is over step that personal boundary and feel responsibility to make it all better. You can only heal you the rest is up to them. Respect their right to do this at their own pace.
Know when to release a tie. It is not uncommon to have situation where you are continually going over the same scenario or situation with a receiver. It can be very energetically draining for both the deliverer and receiver. Grief is often the main cause, whether this is grief of a loss physically, emotionally, spiritually or mentally. Someone does not need to die for grief of a life to be imminent. Grieving as situation that failed to arrive at the expectations of one’s belief can be a very long journey to move through.
Mirror reflections are people and circumstances that come into the current life path and enable both the receiver and deliverer the chance to move through or understand better as block or situation that has defied solution or growth. Like attracts like , so it is no uncommon to have a series of people displaying the same issues, attributes or life lesson at one time appear.
Over periods of time I am going to cover as many subjects as possible to help inform those who are seeking a deliverer as to what to expect, and to the deliverer how to also stay within your own energy.
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