It's All About to Happen
I am sitting here thinking what is it that would be the best piece of information to read connecting you with the month ahead? I am between fairy dust and sprinkles or perhaps some productive solutions to that which has been lingering.
Let's start with the predictions and then I will ease you into the productive....sounds like a plan.
This month will encourage you to listen to your inner guidance. The more you do so the less likely it is that you will get caught up in the hype and drama of life events. I t seems nobody wants to really take up the challenge or be responsible to lead the battle.
We are all focusing on healing our minds, bodies, and souls. This does not imply we are not interested in that which is happening in the world around us, just that we are needing to go within to heal and recover our own energy.
You will be reassessing your life and all that you have completed, attempted or even dreamt of pursuing in the past 12 months. You will be seeing if your purpose or plan was worth the energy or dedication. Did it pay off or are you still chasing your tail?
This month is asking you to put your life into perspective. THINK about it are you really doing the job you love, are you passionate about that person, dream or ambition, are you crazy about making your goals happen? There is a missing link between it eventuating or happening and where have I stepped off at the wrong train stop and still catching the same train back to this point, instead of boarding that train to where I am supposed to be.
I am almost feeling this sense of being optimistically cautious, all this thinking is leading to doubts or fears that may lead you to be asking yourself " have I got this wrong?' "what the heck was I thinking or perhaps the woe is me I just can't get it happening" I want to let you know that although you are serious about your life path and all that is in it. You may find that the decisions you are making this month will be to encourage you to jump back on that train and this time GET OFF at the real destination.
As I typed that last line I was sucking in my breath as I know that message was a timely reminder to myself to look at the possibilities not the limitations that have influenced my thinking or even my choices. I bet you are nodding your head right now or having an arrrrr haaaaar moment.
The guys upstairs, the universal energy are telling you loud and clear this month to LET GO, release yourself from all that is hampering your growth, happiness or personal progress. You can see exactly that which needs to change and that which you are contributing to enable your present situation.
Time to stop stressing about who or what may get hurt with your decision, just make it. You are compromising your own happiness in order to appease those you feel you are protecting, guiding, helping an so forth. This month you are to nurture YOU!
There is a strong emphasis on taking the first step. All you need to do is TAKE that first step and then before you know it life is happening and with good results. You do not need to mount your horse and charge into the month with a battle cry worthy of Braveheart but you do need to make an effort.
I am sitting here saying to spirit (my guys upstairs) and? and now what, I can not end a blog with this I need something to reinforce this message. I hear them say, then Let Go..............allow the new path to open and the fresh outlooks to begin. The plans that are being strung together like a beaded necklace to work towards completion. Talk to your higher self, guides and angels and allow them to speak back. Listen to your inner self for each moment you do the more you will see.
You do not need to look outside for answers, this month they are all before you. This is your year in reflection and you are rummaging through the lost property box and finding ideals and healing that was lost and now are ready to be reclaimed. Yes it has your name written all over it, just pick it up and see if this is the one reason you are here at this space and time because you needed take a revision on that very problem, issue or wound in order to recognise its importance in your life at this very moment is to heal and let it go.
This familiar route, the same old predicament or problem that seems resurface and now it is really getting to the point it is limiting you. How long has it been? How many times have you said you will but you dont? how many times have you said this time I am doing it for me but you give up? How many more trips down memory lane will it take dredging up the past that is left unresolved?
Let it go. Nobody can solve this, answer this or make it better. Only you can.
June 2014 is the lantern of reason, the light of healing and guidance. The spotlight of direction and purpose. All that you need will be illuminated and brighter than Doris Day. There will be no excuse not to see the habitual transitions of non change, it will just keep being brought to your attention.
This is not a time to beat yourself up[ and be too hard on yourself and overly critical. That could have been why you are here right now. It is about letting go of that which is not allowing you to grow, be free or that which is depleting your ability to be happy, loved, at peace.
Each day of June will bring forth this very chance to heal, to take the lead to be complete.
Tickets please! next stop .................................
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