Tuesday, April 29, 2014

When There Is A Block

When There Is A Block
Our body is a complex yet resilient vessel. The ability to protect, endure and sustain is its very vehicle through this life. Often we take for granted this vessel, that can in time weary and begin to show signs of weakness and disease.
The relationship with the bodies is important. The bodies ? yes the bodies…the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional bodies all synchronise and make our being more present, capable and healthy/unhealthy.Often you will hear people refer to such bodies as layers, Etheric, Astral and Physical bodies. (included a great article on this further on in the blog )
Our beautiful being is energy, that flows and replenishes as we do. The energy can be a positive or a negative depending on the what the physical body is being fed by the other bodies. Over time this dependency can also be an integral part of the physical body’s health and well being which can both strengthen and weaken the system depending on what is being brought through and thus remaining within the physical body’s energy.
One way of better explaining this is through looking at the chakras. Chakras are vortexes of energy that are the life force. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakra . The life force or vortex can often get blocked and when it does this can have an affect on our physical well being.
Each chakra or energy vortex has a relationship with our bodies. The physical body is often the result of health and well being ailments and weakening when blocked or stunted by the inability to release and allow the energy to flow freely.We can contribute to these blockages through our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. 
There have been many books, sites and authors who have brought to our attention the importance of recognising these blocks and why is is imperative to work with our bodies (all our bodies) to help to clear and recognise areas needing our focus.
Some of my favourite authors include Caroline Myss, Charles Leadbeater, Claire East, Annette Noontil, Louise Hays just to name a few. The raw essence of the body and its relationship to our outer exteriors that affect our well being. 
We are a product of our being, our faith, understanding, life force and character. We give our bodies the food, knowledge and growth to sustain its capacity to journey us through this life. The experiences the bodies will encounter will be significant to our life experiences and our soul’s purpose.
Our body and energy will absorb that which is in turn fed to it, that which it will sustain, be this positive or negative energy. Be this anger, tension, anxiety,depression, unbalanced relationships, abuse on all levels,  fear, sexual issues, inability to form close relationships, addiction are some of the signs of energy blocks within a chakra. There is confidence, issues, psychological issues, physical ailments. It is not the complete list but it is a identity kit of what you can recognise in yourself when you are feeling out of sorts.
Be the sustenance of love, forgiveness, faith, self confidence and self worth. Creating the foundations for betterment and releasing the energy of karmic or life experience through working within and through your life experiences and higher sources. ” Acceptance without ego or blame”
A good reference site : http://www.chakra-centers-heal.com/
The ability to embrace the energy of change and make conscious choice to heal and evolve the bodies from each level by recognising, accepting and transforming the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental bodies to more balanced and aware.
Some blocks are major! they are karmic, they are life lessons, they are part of your purpose. They may string together in life events or circumstances to enable you to experience this soul’s journey with this particular experience or succession of experiences. 
" We are all here for a reason, each of us have our own purpose/path/ journey depicted by our higher self upon earth placement. This experience, purpose or journey comes sometimes easy, sometimes hard, sometimes with the ability to resolve, heal and evolve. Other times the evolution is the experience itself. The effect or affect is carried forth by other souls who will join, interact or be a part of this life experience. this is as a community you may find you attract similar souls on the same path of experience for this purpose." As I have always been told by my guys upstairs.
We bring forth the experience through our outer bodies before the energy reaches our physical body. We manifest our circumstances and experiences. Yes I know some may feel this is an awkward sentence to read. But we do, we honestly create our being in the image of our thoughts. Our thoughts create our emotional reactions and our emotional reactions feed our thoughts which in turn feed our physical body or deprive our physical body and spiritual body of its life force. Hence we create our health and well being in all our bodies, not just one.
We manifest our health and well being through our energy and its effective course through out physical body. “known fact depression slows down metabolism” Our health and well being creates health reactions within our organs, muscles, nerves, structures, blood, chemical changes that so forth, before it even reaches our physical body we are experience this in our energetic layers.
Example of an article about the Etheric/Astral and Physical Energy (bodies) and health relationships (page 16)  http://www.esotericquarterly.com/issues/EQ09/EQ0901/EQ090113-Nash.pdf
This is a limitless topic, the discussions can be much. My purpose of this article is to enlighten the importance of understanding the concept of a healthy, mind, healthy body and healthy emotional make up. The significance of our bodies as a whole, our connective bodies become a vessel for charting the experiences that we will encounter on our path and will endure more than we may even physically be aware.
Working on areas pertaining to your purpose, experience and soul’s journey will be illuminating as you discover your own health awareness. How your physical body, Intellectual, emotional or spiritual bodies exhibit signs of weakness, strength and/or growth. You are empowered with the knowledge, tools and purpose of being, to embrace this experience and to work within the experience or path/purpose to better understanding your soul’s journey.
" Your health is a depiction of your own life force - Physically, Emotionally, Intellectually and Spiritually. You hold the key to your own Well-being"
Cosmic Hugs
Carolyn Flynn 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Taking Ownership

                                            My shared topic is on OWNERSHIP today . 

This is not the type of possession over material ownership but that which one does when they stand in their own situation and look at that which they have contributed and created to be there.
It can feel a little daunting if there has always been occasion to shift blame or insinuate that another is responsible for your actions or inaction. my ex hubby number two had a great way of reminding me of this when I would say “you are making me feel ……………… !” he would retort “I can’t make you feel anything, you are choosing to feel that way, or think that way” 
It took me a few unsavory arguments and penned up frustration to realise, you know what that is one VERY wise statement. You (my ex) can’t make me feel this way, I am however, choosing to allow this to affect me in this way, thus I am feeling this way because I have chosen to accept this feeling.
Well, like every lesson that enters into your life you realise that you and only you are responsible for your thoughts, feelings, faiths and life experiences. A very good friend of mine told me that when we are angry at someone, we are angry out ourselves that the situation or person has affected us so. We have chosen to allow anger to develop out of not confronting that which is making us frustrated and defensive.
It becomes all to easy to blame someone else, but in reality you have contributed to this situation. You have allowed the situation or energy to evolve into a defensive bout of emotional and intellectual games. The type of game where you negate any possible form of letting this go to a more darn you how cant you do this to me or I am so hurt that i will hang onto this pain over letting it go and seeing the reason this situation has occurred in the first place.
You see this arise a lot within families. Mixed personalities who may be bonded by blood but not by personality. There are clashes, blame, love, craziness, laughter, growing up and moving over matters, finding your own independence and so forth. 
The taking ownership is knowing that although you are different you realise that that person is who they are and you are who you are. You might fight, feel indifferent. You may feel let down or vacant. But when you own that feeling rather than pushing it onto another or a situation you actually start to see what it is that you are creating within yourself to give that feeling life. Are you indifferent in you, angry, controlling, alienated, abandoned, lost ? Are you wanting to feel this pain, hurt, shock or relive it with condemnation rather than forgiveness and revelation? 
It does not mean you have to forgive and forget or be the one to always give into the actions of another. It is where you take ownership for that which you may be contributing through your own actions, fears or ego. Where are you whipping yourself emotionally to the point of feeling powerless? where are you limiting your own ability to rationalize with the situation and see it is a creation of circumstance and once dealt, accepted or healed you can move on and see it as an experience to grow from.
Taking owner ship is self empowering yourself by taking ownership of YOUR own self. Your thoughts, your feelings, your physicality, your faith and spirituality. It is not shifting this to expect another to do this for you. You realise you can not avoid that which is being brought to the surface.
I am going to share an example. I had a person contact me about young adult child that had chosen to remove them self from their family and be with the partner. This was of course most devastating for the family. Possibly as i can only assume as it would have created a lot of grief, frictions, anger and resentment, that this young adult had chosen to experience life with their partner to the dismay of what the parental roles may have wanted.
So no contact, no news, now involvement in this young adults life due to the parental figure being so very hurt leads to the parental figure now on a mission to create more personal angst, pain and hurt. The parental figure has not dealt with this situation in a rational or even adult emotional way, instead it becomes a pit of anger, blame and resentment of what this young adult is now putting this family and parental figure through.
The parental figure sources information on the young adults personal life and when will they return, but. the return is sort with a condition without the young adult’s now partner, who this parental role blames and resents for the young adults choices. 
Now, as we are on the outside of this story line, it is about seeing how both could have contributed to this young adult leaving the comfort of the parental home and to the parental figures contribution in keeping this young adult from returning in any form.
That anger and resentment begins reinforcing the parental figure’s reason to be hurt and to hit out, to want to control and see this apparent relationship fail. The longer this drags on the longer the healing process.
So, the parental figure asks for guidance and is told that the young adult will return but you will rebuild the relationship on a more mature footing. Understanding that although this young adult may be making choices for their own happiness and this may displease you, they love you. This is their time to follow their own life directions and experiences.
The young adult was preparing to create a time of finding comfort in their emotions and feelings with their partner. It is not for I to deem this a good or bad relationship based on the emotions or thoughts of the parental figure. I delivered my message as I was given it. The young adult would return and that the parental figure would have the opportunity to have a more mature relationship with this young adult, water under the bridge, rebuilding with a new level of respect for each other.
The parental figure would have NO such thing! I was told in no uncertain words that I was sadly mistaken if I thought they would forgive this young adult at all. The parental figure went on to include the family and those who were disgusted, appalled and angry with this young adult. The parental figure was displaying the pain of being hurt, rejected but in a lot of ways had focused on just that and was not interested in rebuilding a relationship with the young adult unless it was without the partner.
This could have been solved some time back but, alas, no one wants to take ownership for their own actions or reactions. The parental figure is feeling resentment, anger and hurt. The young adult is feeling controlled, dictated to and rejected. This is prolonging the chance for a healthy relationship between the parental and young adult (who is in their early 20’s, sensible and grounded)
The retort of the parental figure implied towards me that I was sadly mistaken if I believed that hrte parental figure had any intention of accepting the young adult’s partner or the young adults choices and actions was taken in with a sense of sympathy and understanding that the parental figure was sadly mistaken if they felt the young adult would drop everything and return due to the excommunication of the family or being denied the understanding, love or chance to both take ownership to what create this in the very first instance.
The parental figure wanted to shift the anger and resentment onto myself for being so bold as to predict the chance of them reconnecting in a much more higher and mature level than that which is being experienced now. That my assumption was incorrect, there would be no forgiveness.
The parental figure has chosen to take this stand thus this is the action that will lead to the result that is being played out now. Taking ownership allows this parental figure to see what they are contributing to this situation and how they can make steps to heal, forgive, let go and build a better understanding of the relationship the parental and young adult may both want from each other.
Sadly, years may pass and sadly the resentment may grow and in the whole experience precious moments that could have been shared now may be lost. The connection severed by anger, blame and resentment. Sadly this parental figure will blame others for the displeasure of not having the young adult back in the way they feel only acceptable. Sadly this will reflect onto other areas of this parental figures life and create the same feelings over and over again.
The moral to the story is that we all contribute to our life situations. We all have the ability to take ownership or to shift blame to another or project it on a situation. Taking ownership is more productive and creates the bonds of experience that show you have the ability to see both aspects/side of a situation and and find the meeting point. 
Find the I choose to accept …………………my own actions in creating this situation or outcome. It is not about turning the other cheek, or lower your expectations. It is about finding the purpose of the experience and seeing how are you any more the victor if you are anger, resentful and blaming. Who needs that baggage ? who wants to go through life feeling everything else and everyone else to blame for you feeling the way you do. For your attitudes or emotional reactions. 
If i am feeling fearful I look at that with what is creating that fear…. the same with being defensive or hurt. The same with letting go, being confident, believing in myself. Taking ownership means I choose the path my life takes emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually. Taking ownership allows us on a whole to be whole and not held down by the dense feelings of ego and control that inwardly and outwardly turn to bitterness and denial robbing us of so much we could have experienced on a much more positive level.
XX Cosmic Hugs XX 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Finding The You IN YOU

                Finding The You IN YOU
The days can seem to blend and the nights drag on, when you are preoccupied with what is right or wrong. How can you please everyone and yet still stand true to you? You can’t……..when you take ownership of that statement you realise how the transitions, changes or obstacles are created by the inability to take up your power towards change.
There are times traditions, honour, customs, fears and faith can all hinder the path to self empowerment. Times when you may be feeling helpless and confused or scared about how to take that initial step. You are struggling under the mountain of guilt, fear and powerlessness to find a reasonable outcome that will not only please yourself but also please those concerned.
When you are miserable than so are those connected. We bring forth a reflection or energy that is being brought forth to help each to recognise  the emotional enslavement that is occurring throughout this situation. 
We can be happy and still be connected to our path, family, friends and others It comes down to boundaries and self empowerment. Knowing when you are reacting to a situation that is out of control or has become this way from lack of initiative to stop it. When you are condoning it and accepting it , you are relinquishing your power.
How people take your power is bit by bit placing higher expectations on you. Finding your weakness or hole in your personality layer be it a fear, self doubt or physical trait. They often pronounce your name incorrectly or make tongue in cheek comments. Some even just over rule everything you say and dismiss your feelings. 
The route they take is to make them selves look superior whilst you go off and try and patch up the wounds. They are smart manipulators, cunning associates and often people we trust. The same people that are struggling with their own ghost and yet shining a light on yours.
It is the situation that that continues to come up, the topic that raids your happiness and brings you down. Its the self condemnation, the I am not good enough, i don’t have the energy, I don’t want to hurt any one excuses. Its the person within you that is screaming out i am powerless and I just want someone to make it better or take it away. 
Look around take stock of the ones who come in and rob you of your smile, that feed your fears. the ones that make you feel inferior or like your not good enough, smart enough to wise enough to lead your life and be happy.The ones that come into your day who then energy dumb and then leave. The one who mocks your dreams and strips away your ambitions.
Time to recognise the beautiful energy you are, the one hiding under all those layers of atmospheric crap. The build up of years and years of being a people pleaser, the nice guy or girl and where has it got you? Where has allowing others to come in and take over your mood, to bring you down and and make you feel not good enough ? unloved, depleted, exhausted, just putting up with it? …its made you miserable and powerless to change the situation.
What would you lose if you said ” please dont speak to me that way, or dont treat me like this or I feel like you do not appreciate me and what I bring to this situation………the list goes on…what would you lose? you would lose one piece of that inability to stand up for your happiness. You would be 99 more pieces closer to taking your power back. If that person was offended by your taking your power, then that it their issue.
We fear speaking up. We dont want to lose our friendships, those same ones that are negative energies ? not all friends are this way I am just using this as an example as many people worry about hurting the feelings of friends yet you are being hurt each time this person walks in and slams you with their critique on who, what and how you are.
Step back and see if that person really your friend? are they just self projecting so that can look better than you or is this a case of misery loves company? This is you chance to be honest and see what changes can you make to have a better relationship with this person, someone who will respect you for you or are they here in your life to teach you to recognise you deserve better? 
Sometimes we cant recognise better if we never felt it. We an see how to bring it forth if we never felt we can achieve or embrace it. Better is like your favorite scent lingers and makes you smile and lifts your spirits. Better is the first time the sun hits your face and you raise your head instead of looking down. Better is the first time recall love, and how it felt to feel it, have it and hold it. Better is when you can be proud of who you are and you dont need someone elses approval to be you.
You may be thinking but its too hard because its not a friend it is my family, my boss, myself. it all starts with you. One step at a time, one self empowerment moment at a time. One taking your power back and speaking up, one believing in yourself. it all begins with you.
You are 100 % not 98, 99 or 5% you are 100% you. You live your life, you are responsible for your choices, path and what you bring into it. You are not an emotional doormat, a place for others to control or manipulate. You are a loving beautiful energy that deserves to be whole and be loved and respected for who you are, not what others may wish to box you into.
Some links : 
Cosmic Hugs 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Seeing Past Regret

Seeing Past Regret

Taking responsibility or healing the gulf is just as important as the experience that created the change and lead to this point of regret. It is one of those feelings that can lead to dismay, mixed feelings and pure emotional and mental exhaustion. The point of realizing you can not change that which has happened but you can be more aware of the future, does not settle the emptiness left by regret.

Ask the person who wishes they so much could change the course of an outcome. Ask the person who wishes with all their might they would have thought differently at the time. Ask the person who is mourning someone, worried over someone or left helpless by a situation that created a gulf of change that lead to much that can no longer be fixed, replaced or put back together.

Regret is real. It is the conscious mind letting you know that you are dealing with unfinished business. You are literally sitting in the middle of could of, should of, why did I, how could I, conversations that are running rampart within the head.

What is regret? it is an unhappiness, disappointment, sorrow, guilt, remorselessness, shame, self condemnation. It is the human mind and emotions going through dejection, mourning and utter helplessness to change a situation that has impacted ones life or that of others.

Regret can build over years only to emerge when one is at the lowest point in life or a situation and it may resurface bring with it years of similar situations or feelings building upon and reinforcing regret. When one feels as if they have failed, pulled up short, lost a chance or are grieving for a person or situation or outcome, they often fill with regret and self blame for feeling powerless in not being able to change the outcome.

Regret can be how you treated someone, how you left a situation unresolved or a turned away from a solution. Regret can emerge when you have time to rethink matters and questions your actions as being impulsive or negative. Perhaps you have had a period of time when you have jumped into or went against your better judgement and the situation ended very badly leading you to questions your logical actions you would be able to undertake now with such hindsight to that which you are now experiencing.

It is the feeling of reassessing such actions and seeing that your choices or lack of have lead to this situation becoming an integral learning block within your self. Yes you do learn from your choices and regrets, we learn that we can not change them but we can take a look at how to better resolve, sort or even forgive and mend that issue that needs healing to enable one to let go of the regret and accept the situation or outcome as a an experience that may take time but one can not change the past only be more aware of the future steps one may choose to take.

1. Look at what you regret, write it down
2. Now write at least one thing you have learned from that situation beside each regret.
3. Write one thing you would do differently in the future connected to that regret.
4. Tick each regret you have listed if you have repeated that same situation again, if so write why ?
5. Look over your regrets, you reasons and solutions to do matters differently if the situation or chance to come again, reassess you motives, motions and reasons behind these regrets in a a way that releases you from self condemnation but allows you to take a responsible look at how you can better change repeating such actions or situations in the future.
6. Where possible let go, forgive, mend or find the avenue that enables you to release this regret in a way that is not going to be harmful to yourself or others.

Common regrets -

  1. I wish I would have got a better education - solution never to late to learn
  2. I wish I was there when they passed - solution they know you would have if you could have or it was not meant to be. They love you, they understand and would not want you putting yourself through all of this every time you think of them.
  3. I wish I would have started this when I was younger - solution well nothing like the present and you will enjoy it more because you are ready for it now.
  4. I wish I would not have been so mean to that person - solution is there a way to repair this or perhaps look at if you are in the same situation again to not repeat the same regret.
  5. I wish I did not spend, over eat, over indulge, act so irresponsible - solution there is many self help groups, personal plans or people to support you just ask. 
  6. I wish I would have said no - solution that no might have not made the difference you feel it would have.
  7. I wish I would not have made that decision, I went again my better judgment - solution you are armed with knowledge of what will be a better course in future
  8. I wish I would have said I love you more, been more affectionate, hugged, let them know how I felt - solution you are who you are those who love you know this and accept you for the person you were to them. They perhaps do not judge you as harshly as you judge yourself. You can make the change to being more open with your feelings in the future.
I know you are reading this feeling this is so shallow, that regret is a deeper more painful jab that is piercing through your layers of self esteem, confidence and self love and forgiveness. The truth be told, you probably could not have changed the event, situation or circumstance even if you tried. A course was set, a path was to be taken.

The experience that was given through this succession of life experience has been brought through an immense self recognition of understanding that letting go, t
From a higher prospective, I know some may not accept this, so from my belief, I believe that everything happens for a reason. You reading this post is for a reason, be it information you needed to read, be it a chance to let go of something you secretly regret or knowing that you are not alone, that everyone has a regret but does it serve a purpose to hold onto it? I believe no.

I believe the longer you hold onto the regret the longer it takes to let it go and heal. The more immediate you recognise your actions the less inclined you will be to harbor regrets. I am not saying I have not had a regret in my life. I most likely would have had many if i hung onto them. BUT I learned that they served no purpose to be productive in my future life. This does not mean I negated responsibility for my actions or inaction's, it means I looked at my choices and identified with that which I knew I contributed to my situation and then took the steps to remedy, fix,heal, forgive and find a workable solution. 

If you feel you need to seek advice for your past regrets that are controlling your day to day life, be this a counselor, trusted friend or just your higher source. Then, please do so. Don't carry a burden that grows heavy and weary over time. Find a way to heal and let it go. I am not saying doing so will  take you back, or go back in time and then lead to a way to change the course of life but, it will make a large difference to your well being, self love and life in the now and in the future. 

When we live in the moment, we leave no room for regret. We accept the passage of time as building blocks for our soul experience. We accept that we are masters of our choices, we have a choice to hang on or to let go. We accept in our humanness we may make mistakes or create a situation that we can learn from. When we live in the moment we heal, we live, we find peace, forgiveness, compassion and understanding. When we see past regret we find wholeness, love and the real future with a new set of eyes.

xx Cosmic Hugs  xx 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Time To Heal - May 2014

             A Time To Heal - May 2014 
Hi Everyone,
May 2014, a month of many changes but most of them should create a new found optimism for that which the 5th month so fondly embraces. It could be said that you have the energy, connections and the knowledge to obtain the right information, support or network to unable you to grow beyond you own limitations.
The card I have drawn from my Then, Now & Future Deck beautifully sums up the purpose of May. A time to enjoy life’s lighter moments, be more socially connected and to laugh, dance and be sensibly merry.
Last months eclipse left a few battered and bruised and others scratching their heads as to what to do. The sudden impact of the eclipse brought up some old issues that have played a dormant role in the background and no allowing you to move on, heal or create change as you know you truly need to.
When we think about healing we often look at the body but, the mind, the spirit and the emotional are all connected to our physical being. If you are not emotionally feeling connected or overly focused mentally you create imbalances in the physical and spiritual bodies.
I can share our home is going to be over throwing some old habits to make way for a healthier month. It will not be easy as we all have out crutches and weaknesses when it comes to our bodies, be this food or physical perceptions.
So for us, my home and family we are cleansing our diet, exercising our will to be healthy, fit and hopefully who knows we may all be happier with our own personal goals.
Love, this month may bring healing with relationships, people who have contributed to your emotional needs. Perhaps this is a time of reconnecting, letting go, moving forth or creating a chance to make changes.
I have often found with this type of influence around that socially you are set to reconnect and share a more uplifted view of love, friendships and emotional bonds. You are prepared to let go of all that is not promoting happiness or positivity.
A month to welcome in some very spontaneous and momentous times for matters of the heart. Romance could find you whilst travelling, discovering a new hobby or just because you are ready for a new chapter in your life.
Money, this month actually brings in some good money through some very lucky vibrations. This could be attributed to a lighter month expense wise or your creative genius that brings forth a new source or potential source of income. 
An excellent time for using your creative mind to source out a new income, gain a raise or grab a bargain.
Goals, this month creates opportunities to enhance potential successes. There is a give it all attitude, run with it and take risks that could be the answer to many new changes arriving because you have dared to think outside your limitations or normal routines.
FREEDOM is the one word that will come to mind as you let go of those mental, physical and emotional restraints. Your sense of purpose will be encouraged by the lighter more optimistic attitude that will trickle into the areas of your life that have been a major focus or source of internal pressure. 
" I create my life, manifest my dreams, follow my promptings, encourage my beliefs, love unconditionally and think freely without limitation. " Cosmic Hugs © 2011

Creating The Right Deck

10 Steps to Creating The Right Deck 

Everyone asks which is the best way to create a divination deck. So to make it easy I am going to give you some easy pointers.

  1. Stick to an area or subject you are familiar with
  2. create the deck meanings around that which you may also use and find unique to you, such as animal means , positive affirmation, tarot, cartomacy etc. 
  3. Practice by writing out a few subjects and meanings. Home - means security, family and stability, Money means abundance, income or material items. Love can mean emotionally happy, soul mate etc. 
  4. Make your deck universal in meaning. For instance I have created 4 decks and each can relate to any situation in life. Use terms that are generic. " This is a time to heal all that is limiting your growth or forward movement"  Keeping it generic means you are not limiting the message. example " You have lot happening right now perhaps look at healing that hurt or pain as it wont let go unless you do"
  5. Choose an name that vibrate with your deck and that which you want it to represent
  6. Design your artwork to fit and not over power
  7. Choose a company that can print, deliver and allow changes that suit your designs. (not everyone can afford a graphic designer) https://www.thegamecrafter.com/publish/product/TarotDeck or http://customizedplayingcards.com/ as examples
  8. Know your audience and those who would be likely to purchase your items and the universal sales of such due to it being a product that fits many not just a choice audience
  9. Smart Marketing  is important. Untilise social marketing, word of mouth and local markets to launch your deck along with your website.
  10. The best tip I can give you is to not rest on your laurels. I know my subject from over 22 years of working in the public market, teaching and following my passion. The more you are familiar with your tool or trade the easier it is to create a deck or book that assimilates your knowledge and promotes your self image.  The problem with some product developers is they create a product similar to their idol or that is saturating the market. Do not be afraid to embrace your individuality as it may be the marketing tool that others love about you. 
XX Cosmic Hugs XX Carolyn Clairvoyant - www.carolynclairvoyant.com 

Finding Me


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Welcome To My NEW Blog

Welcome To My NEW Blog
There is often a time in each of our lives when something we say, think or create becomes a fascinating read or adventure that evolves into a literature journey.
Welcome to my literature JOURNEY and exploration. 
I have spent over 30 years writing, composing, musing and delving in to my passion of working with spirit. My professional career (22 years + ) has allowed me the honor and gratitude of being able to experience the unknown to the surreal. To be of service in my chosen path and to deliver it with honesty, truth and respect.
The healing begins when the soul is able to recognise the time is now. The lessons we often seek are no larger or smaller than our higher self knows we are capable of handling. We are born to experience life and all its deliverance. It is with this knowledge we remove all expectation and allow the souls journey, spirits work and our human path to combine and unite into our chosen soul circles, families and purpose.
You may be an earth bound energy but your highest vibrations are connected to your very being. You are here to fulfill your chosen path, your souls purpose and life lessons.
I hope to share my journey of experiences awakening my path and enlightening my existence of discovering my purpose in this lifetime. I chose this very existence and the experiences my soul is to have. I chose to be, me. 
Who I am and What I do!

I am a Clairvoyant, Teacher and Healer with over 22 years working with Tarot, Playing Cards, Numerology, Astrology, Colourology,Crystals and other metaphysical healing aspects.
Portfolio: Clairvoyant, Teacher and Holistic Counselor  for over 22 years working with Tarot, Playing Cards, Numerology, Astrology, Colourology,Crystals and other metaphysical modalities.

* Accomplished author! see my new releases in my SHOP

Experience: Live talk-back radio show ” Carolyn’s Cosmos” on 105-1 2GZ Fm in Orange NSW from 1999- 2000 doing live on air readings, working the Sydney Mind Body and Soul Festivals since 1998, Melbourne Mind Body and 
Soul Festivals since 2009 and Brisbane Mind Body and Soul Festivals since 2010. Traveled extensively throughout NSW and ACT with Gary Wiseman and Psychic Fairs 1997 – 2000. 2012 I have written for several small magazines and articles that have been published throughout other media forms. I have a strong following on Youtube - Carolyn Clairvoyant

In 2011 Psychic TV Australia for the duration of the pilot 6 weeks completing a massive 16 shows in 6 weeks. Rarely I get the chance to return due to other obligations.

In 2013 I had the pleasure of being a part of Theme Cruises Australia - Psychic Unleashed on board the Pacific Dawn and delivering 3 exclusive shows to live audiences.

2013 seen the relaunch of the Tarot 1 workshops, along with the design and publishing of my first set of Tarot cards called Carolyn’s Tarot Deck.

2014 I have started the year with several new decks being released - The playing card deck called Definitive Destinies and a predictive affirmations deck called The Then, Now & Future Deck . There are several other projects still forming.

I travel throughout Australia every year and i am hoping to secure more media work with the success of my Youtube  Channel and popularity on FB it feels a natural progression to take the next big leap in my career aspirations and spiritual work

Special thanks to Casey Barnes  who is the writer and artist of ” The Light” song which is being use to promote the Tour.   www.caseybarnes.com.au

Professional Portfolio: Carolyn has run her own private business since 1995 and has established regular clients throughout Australia, UK, USA, New Zealand and Dubai via private readings, phone, Skype and email readings.

A Qualified Meridian Psychotherapist (EFT)2002 Dip M Psy, Qualified Clinical Nutritionist, 2003 Dip C.N.C , Qualified Stress Management Counselor ,2003 ,Dip S.M.C , Bach Flower Essences 2002 , Dip F. Ess and in 2010 attained the Training and Assessment Cert IV. Carolyn also has current Certificates of Achievement and Attainment in Counseling.

2013 - I am currently studying my cert IV in Allied Health Assistant  specializing in Nutrition and Dietetics

I have devised courses and taught, Tarot for Beginners, Tarot Advanced, Numerology, Karmic Astrology, Positive Relationship Building, How to Tap into your Intuition, Crystal Therapies for the self and home, Colours and Well being and Automatic Writing and Connecting with your guides

have released several books and decks  Check out my shop ! 

Contact details: Mobile 0422143805

Skype: Carolyn Flynn or carolyn-clairvoyant