10 Steps to Creating The Right Deck
- Stick to an area or subject you are familiar with
- create the deck meanings around that which you may also use and find unique to you, such as animal means , positive affirmation, tarot, cartomacy etc.
- Practice by writing out a few subjects and meanings. Home - means security, family and stability, Money means abundance, income or material items. Love can mean emotionally happy, soul mate etc.
- Make your deck universal in meaning. For instance I have created 4 decks and each can relate to any situation in life. Use terms that are generic. " This is a time to heal all that is limiting your growth or forward movement" Keeping it generic means you are not limiting the message. example " You have lot happening right now perhaps look at healing that hurt or pain as it wont let go unless you do"
- Choose an name that vibrate with your deck and that which you want it to represent
- Design your artwork to fit and not over power
- Choose a company that can print, deliver and allow changes that suit your designs. (not everyone can afford a graphic designer) https://www.thegamecrafter.com/publish/product/TarotDeck or http://customizedplayingcards.com/ as examples
- Know your audience and those who would be likely to purchase your items and the universal sales of such due to it being a product that fits many not just a choice audience
- Smart Marketing is important. Untilise social marketing, word of mouth and local markets to launch your deck along with your website.
- The best tip I can give you is to not rest on your laurels. I know my subject from over 22 years of working in the public market, teaching and following my passion. The more you are familiar with your tool or trade the easier it is to create a deck or book that assimilates your knowledge and promotes your self image. The problem with some product developers is they create a product similar to their idol or that is saturating the market. Do not be afraid to embrace your individuality as it may be the marketing tool that others love about you.
XX Cosmic Hugs XX Carolyn Clairvoyant - www.carolynclairvoyant.com
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