Tuesday, April 29, 2014

When There Is A Block

When There Is A Block
Our body is a complex yet resilient vessel. The ability to protect, endure and sustain is its very vehicle through this life. Often we take for granted this vessel, that can in time weary and begin to show signs of weakness and disease.
The relationship with the bodies is important. The bodies ? yes the bodies…the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional bodies all synchronise and make our being more present, capable and healthy/unhealthy.Often you will hear people refer to such bodies as layers, Etheric, Astral and Physical bodies. (included a great article on this further on in the blog )
Our beautiful being is energy, that flows and replenishes as we do. The energy can be a positive or a negative depending on the what the physical body is being fed by the other bodies. Over time this dependency can also be an integral part of the physical body’s health and well being which can both strengthen and weaken the system depending on what is being brought through and thus remaining within the physical body’s energy.
One way of better explaining this is through looking at the chakras. Chakras are vortexes of energy that are the life force. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakra . The life force or vortex can often get blocked and when it does this can have an affect on our physical well being.
Each chakra or energy vortex has a relationship with our bodies. The physical body is often the result of health and well being ailments and weakening when blocked or stunted by the inability to release and allow the energy to flow freely.We can contribute to these blockages through our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. 
There have been many books, sites and authors who have brought to our attention the importance of recognising these blocks and why is is imperative to work with our bodies (all our bodies) to help to clear and recognise areas needing our focus.
Some of my favourite authors include Caroline Myss, Charles Leadbeater, Claire East, Annette Noontil, Louise Hays just to name a few. The raw essence of the body and its relationship to our outer exteriors that affect our well being. 
We are a product of our being, our faith, understanding, life force and character. We give our bodies the food, knowledge and growth to sustain its capacity to journey us through this life. The experiences the bodies will encounter will be significant to our life experiences and our soul’s purpose.
Our body and energy will absorb that which is in turn fed to it, that which it will sustain, be this positive or negative energy. Be this anger, tension, anxiety,depression, unbalanced relationships, abuse on all levels,  fear, sexual issues, inability to form close relationships, addiction are some of the signs of energy blocks within a chakra. There is confidence, issues, psychological issues, physical ailments. It is not the complete list but it is a identity kit of what you can recognise in yourself when you are feeling out of sorts.
Be the sustenance of love, forgiveness, faith, self confidence and self worth. Creating the foundations for betterment and releasing the energy of karmic or life experience through working within and through your life experiences and higher sources. ” Acceptance without ego or blame”
A good reference site : http://www.chakra-centers-heal.com/
The ability to embrace the energy of change and make conscious choice to heal and evolve the bodies from each level by recognising, accepting and transforming the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental bodies to more balanced and aware.
Some blocks are major! they are karmic, they are life lessons, they are part of your purpose. They may string together in life events or circumstances to enable you to experience this soul’s journey with this particular experience or succession of experiences. 
" We are all here for a reason, each of us have our own purpose/path/ journey depicted by our higher self upon earth placement. This experience, purpose or journey comes sometimes easy, sometimes hard, sometimes with the ability to resolve, heal and evolve. Other times the evolution is the experience itself. The effect or affect is carried forth by other souls who will join, interact or be a part of this life experience. this is as a community you may find you attract similar souls on the same path of experience for this purpose." As I have always been told by my guys upstairs.
We bring forth the experience through our outer bodies before the energy reaches our physical body. We manifest our circumstances and experiences. Yes I know some may feel this is an awkward sentence to read. But we do, we honestly create our being in the image of our thoughts. Our thoughts create our emotional reactions and our emotional reactions feed our thoughts which in turn feed our physical body or deprive our physical body and spiritual body of its life force. Hence we create our health and well being in all our bodies, not just one.
We manifest our health and well being through our energy and its effective course through out physical body. “known fact depression slows down metabolism” Our health and well being creates health reactions within our organs, muscles, nerves, structures, blood, chemical changes that so forth, before it even reaches our physical body we are experience this in our energetic layers.
Example of an article about the Etheric/Astral and Physical Energy (bodies) and health relationships (page 16)  http://www.esotericquarterly.com/issues/EQ09/EQ0901/EQ090113-Nash.pdf
This is a limitless topic, the discussions can be much. My purpose of this article is to enlighten the importance of understanding the concept of a healthy, mind, healthy body and healthy emotional make up. The significance of our bodies as a whole, our connective bodies become a vessel for charting the experiences that we will encounter on our path and will endure more than we may even physically be aware.
Working on areas pertaining to your purpose, experience and soul’s journey will be illuminating as you discover your own health awareness. How your physical body, Intellectual, emotional or spiritual bodies exhibit signs of weakness, strength and/or growth. You are empowered with the knowledge, tools and purpose of being, to embrace this experience and to work within the experience or path/purpose to better understanding your soul’s journey.
" Your health is a depiction of your own life force - Physically, Emotionally, Intellectually and Spiritually. You hold the key to your own Well-being"
Cosmic Hugs
Carolyn Flynn 

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