Saturday, May 31, 2014

Working With My Guys Upstairs

Working With My Guys Upstairs - My Journey 11
As this is my blog about all aspects of my journey along the road to my discovering my own abilities and connections, I thought it was time to start to introduce the other side of me. The side that you all don’t really see but you get to see a glimpse of her occasionally.
I speak of ” My Guys Upstairs” like they are my family. They are they are my spiritual family. I have built a long and often challenging relationship  with them over the years, but not once have they failed to deliver their message. Me choosing to listen may have sent them grey at times, but none the less as student I have learned much from them and their guidance
I understand not everyone does it like i do. Some have strong rituals or patterns, me I just head off to bed and when it suits me I write. I don’t just write anything I listen to that I am prompted. Some all this automatic writing, others it is channeling. I am not sure what to all it only that I do it and over the years as you may have read I have kept my journals as they have been wonderful reference points and learning curbs for myself. \
Especially when it comes to time! Let me tell you THEY dont live by our time…actually I am sure they don’t even watch a clock! So sometimes timing can be a little off but I do ask them to lift their game. I mean come on you need to be a little more specific I say. At least give it to me in the now, and in the NOW we are.
I also believe they talk literal. When I am being told something will eventuate within a week. I am being shown the start of that situation will commence not necessarily it will be concluded in that week. Yes learned the hard way timing is really divine timing (at their pace not ours) 
I wanted to put together a book of all the conversations I have had with them over times. The funny little remarks or the times they have really shown me how precious my life is and those in it. I am forever grateful. I do not regret a day, a choice or a action. I do however, temper my thinking and know that which I create I create through my own action or inaction and thus I stand responsible. 
So lets get to the conversation. Now often it is a mixture of information, psychological healing or just well formed foundations of information that actually flow very fast. If you could see my book the writing is often not legible (easy to read) 
Dated 14/04/2014
That empowerment is a state of mind. You have the courage to conquer that which you deem impossible. 
You challenge yourself to fail and you fall short. You challenge yourself to succeed and you see progress.
This is not a time of sitting still but, a time to see that which you an clear, initiate or create in order to be ready for the changes to come.
One can not embrace change if they have not taken the necessary steps to begin change. Do it right, you find effortlessly comes together. Take the long road and it is fraught with problems.
That which is presented always resurfaces to allow the self to recognise the work that one must undertake in order to be readied or clear for next phase. Challenge thy self, create the foundations that bring about that which you know to be true. Allow time to pass without conscious mind watching minute hand. Allow the transition to begin and transpire as each step is commenced and followed through.
There is a lot that an be learned from the correct patience. Not the mountain comes to main or man to mountain. The effort to complete a cycle of lessons with patience to understand the lesson, experience and the outcome or growth from such.
It is not a race to evolve but, an eventual evolution of soul and journey all on the experience to give the foundations of solid support to enable successful change /completion.
xx Thank You xx 
I hope those that read this message that is may also resonates for you. I find often looking back at the simplicity of each sentence can bring about acknowledgement for that which I may encounter or experience in the now. Something, event or situation that is prompting me to sit back and reassess my thinking, my emotion, my physical or spiritual understandings.
Connecting with your guides, angels, higher source or that little voice within is all about being open to that which you may receive. It may not be an earth shattering message but it may be a life changing experience filled with growth and fulfillment. 
xx Cosmic Hugs x

Thursday, May 29, 2014

June 2014 Overview

It's All About to Happen

I am sitting here thinking what is it that would be the best piece of information to read connecting you with the month ahead? I am between fairy dust and sprinkles or perhaps some productive solutions to that which has been lingering.

Let's start with the predictions and then I will ease you into the productive....sounds like a plan.

This month will encourage you to listen to your inner guidance. The more you do so the less likely it is that you will get caught up in the hype and drama of life events. I t seems nobody wants to really take up the challenge or be responsible to lead the battle.

We are all focusing on healing our minds, bodies, and souls. This does not imply we are not interested in that which is happening in the world around us, just that we are needing to go within to heal and recover our own energy.

You will be reassessing your life and all that you have completed, attempted or even dreamt of pursuing in the past 12 months. You will be seeing if your purpose or plan was worth the energy or dedication. Did it pay off or are you still chasing your tail?

This month is asking you to put your life into perspective. THINK about it are you really doing the job you love, are you passionate about that person, dream or ambition, are you crazy about making your goals happen? There is a missing link between it eventuating or happening and where have I stepped off at the wrong train stop and still catching the same train back to this point, instead of boarding that train to where I am supposed to be.

I am almost feeling this sense of being optimistically cautious, all this thinking is leading to doubts or fears that  may lead you to be asking yourself " have I got this wrong?' "what the heck was I thinking or perhaps the woe is me I just can't get it happening" I want to let you know that although you are serious about your life path and all that is in it. You may find that the decisions you are making this month will be to encourage you to jump back on that train and this time GET OFF at the real destination.

As I typed that last line I was sucking in my breath as I know that message was a timely reminder to myself to look at the possibilities not the limitations that have influenced my thinking or even my choices. I bet you are nodding your head right now or having an arrrrr haaaaar moment.

The guys upstairs, the universal energy are telling you loud and clear this month to LET GO, release yourself from all that is hampering your growth, happiness or personal progress. You can see exactly that which needs to change and that which you are contributing to enable your present situation. 

Time to stop stressing about who or what may get hurt with your decision, just make it. You are compromising your own happiness in order to appease those you feel you are protecting, guiding, helping an so forth. This month you are to nurture YOU!

There is a strong emphasis on taking the first step. All you need to do is TAKE that first step and then before you know it life is happening and with good results. You do not need to mount your horse and charge into the month with a battle cry worthy of Braveheart but you do need to make an effort.

I am sitting here saying to spirit (my guys upstairs) and? and now what, I can not end a blog with this I need something to reinforce this message. I hear them say, then Let Go..............allow the new path to open and the fresh outlooks to begin. The plans that are being strung together like a beaded necklace to work towards completion. Talk to your higher self, guides and angels and allow them to speak back. Listen to your inner self for each moment you do the more you will see.

You do not need to look outside for answers, this month they are all before you. This is your year in reflection and you are rummaging through the lost property box and finding ideals and healing that was lost and now are ready to be reclaimed. Yes it has your name written all over it, just pick it up and see if this is the one  reason you are here at this space and time because you needed take a revision on that very problem, issue or wound in order to recognise its importance in your life at this very moment is to heal and let it go.

This familiar route, the same old predicament or problem that seems resurface and now it is really getting to the point it is limiting you. How long has it been? How many times have you said you will but you dont? how many times have you said this time I am doing it for me but you give up? How many more trips down memory lane will it take dredging up the past that is left unresolved?

Let it go. Nobody can solve this, answer this or make it better. Only you can.

June 2014 is the lantern of reason, the light of healing and guidance. The spotlight of direction and purpose. All that you need will be illuminated and brighter than Doris Day. There will be no excuse not to see the habitual transitions of non change, it will just keep being brought to your attention.

This is not a time to beat yourself up[ and be too hard on yourself and overly critical. That could have been why you are here right now. It is about letting go of that which is not allowing you to grow, be free or that which is depleting your ability to be happy, loved, at peace.

Each day of June will bring forth this very chance to heal, to take the lead to be complete. 

Tickets please! next stop ................................. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Be Ethical

Be Ethical
When undertaking any pathway there needs to be responsible action. This could come as a shock to some but unfortunately not everyone is ethical in their work with spirit, or the responsibility it entails when delivering a service. 
A lot of people talk about karma, well believe it or not you can create karma for yourself and the person you are delivering to when you over step the universal law of boundaries. An intentional act such as delivering from ego not from spirit, misleading or defrauding, creating angst and despair are all unethical traits. They often leave the receiver depleted, confused and fearful of their rightful path.
Some may decide to dictate life events as “you must” “if I was you” ” don’t do it “statements. Others may use the privilege of information received to appear superior to the receiver and dismissing the receivers right to not wish to be open to this information at this time. 
If the information is relevant the receiver would already know this and be open to the information received as in knowing it is being clarified ( they already sensed this situation or outcome). They may have had instances of the information being presented many times through actions, dreams, messages and other forms of communication/intuitive connection.
When a deliverer dictates, over rides the receivers free will, sets up a path of fear and disconnection. This creates a karmic tie between the deliverer and the receiver. The deliverer must be prepared to take responsibility for their own actions and the impact they are creating in the life of the receiver. This is accepting that the deliverer is to work from the highest source and deliver as it is given not as it is perceived or changed by the deliverer’s ego, to then be handed onto the receiver. The highest source knows what is to be delivered and will utilise the information to do just that, connect with the receiver for their own betterment and soul’s growth. 
At different life stages the receiver will seek information that is verified from the deliverer as to what is the next phase, stage or growth pattern. This is where the deliverer is seeked out to assist in clarifying and showing the receiver the information that is truth and of relevance in the NOW and at the receivers immediate life time ready to be adhered to, decided upon or complete this journey or experience. This is the receivers choice to complete this path/experience not the deliverers demands to do such.
The key is knowledge that is delivered with no attachment to ego. Delivered through a whole connection with the highest source and not fragmented to opinions or beliefs of the deliverer. It is information that the receiver will identify with and it is not the deliverers message but the receivers. This is not the deliverers journey and the deliverer should reserve all judgement on how the receiver should utilise this information being communicated. 
We do not fully understand the relationship the receiver is building with their own life. Caution in leading on a receiver is necessary as the human bond can be fragile and exposed. Being ethical means you do not over step the boundaries of trust, you do not exploit anyone who is emotionally vulnerable and you do not lose respect for your path and you own work with spirit. 
When we choose this path we are in a position of growth not superiority. The lessons that arise often are that of human mirroring and experience. Each person that enters your life through your path will have a certain expectation on what should be delivered to them. Unfortunately it is often not the case for spirit. They choose the right messages to come forth and it is not up to you to decipher, make sense or even explain the message. This is what the receiver has come to hear at a level be it soul, conscious or subconsciously. The message or information will be instrumental in their own life path.
Although exploitation can be experienced by the deliverer by a receiver it is often customary to set up the boundary or guild lines so that the deliverer is not left depleted and removed from their own existence. 
The debacle about money is often highly debated. I once was told when you perform a service you are paid for that service. If you give it away all the time it is disrespected and often abused by those who seek but continue to not listen to their own promptings 
Whether to record a reading or a delivery -if you are working within spirit their should be no need to fear putting the information received to media. If you set up the guidelines of what the session may entail and stay within the boundaries. Working from the highest source and not ego means you will deliver the correct information each time.
Free will is given to us all. We have a choice to listen, to follow, to initiate, to heal, to let go, to grow, to stay stagnant. The choice is not judged by others but by what each individual may choose as it is their life and their right to do with the information they deem fit. Each journey is different and each individual has their own path and lessons to endure and experience. 
Try not to create a karmic tie. Over sympathising, empathising, overly being compassionate or cohesion is is a delicate balance between doing a journey for someone or allowing them to have the experience and grow from it. We are all on our own pathways and it is not unusual for a beginner to be caught in the emotional body of responsibility when it comes to delivering. Remember you also have personal boundaries. What one can end to do is over step that personal boundary and feel responsibility to make it all better. You can only heal you the rest is up to them. Respect their right to do this at their own pace.
Know when to release a tie. It is not uncommon to have situation   where you are continually going over the same scenario or situation  with a receiver. It can be very energetically draining for both the deliverer and receiver. Grief is often the main cause, whether this is grief of a loss physically, emotionally, spiritually or mentally. Someone does not need to die for grief of a life to be imminent. Grieving as situation that failed to arrive at the expectations of one’s belief can be a very long journey to move through. 
Mirror reflections are people and circumstances that come into the current life path and enable both the receiver and deliverer the chance to move through or understand better as block or situation that has defied solution or growth. Like attracts like , so it is no uncommon to have a series of people displaying the same issues, attributes or life lesson at one time appear. 
Over periods of time I am going to cover as many subjects as possible to help inform those who are seeking a deliverer as to what to expect, and to the deliverer how to also stay within your own energy. 


Hi All,

well you know how it is I am always running around the countryside, so what a great opportunity for you to come to me

Tarot 1 Beginners  Saturday JUNE 21st or  Sunday JUNE 22nd
Time: 9 am - 5 pm Available
Phone: (+61) 422 143 805
Payment Type: Credit Card, Bank Deposit, Pay Pal
(for credit card and bank deposit please contact me)
Cost : $410 au * (includes Tarot 1 Book & Deck) 

Early Bird : $380 if paid before in full before May 30th 

* Payment plans are available

What the course entails :
I have designed easy to learn classes that take the drudge and over whelming feeling of getting to know tarot. The fascinating journey is something you will embrace as I have with easy to understand format.
I guarantee you will be reading and working with your deck in the very first session ! I have been teaching tarot and the art of exploring its divinatory properties for over 20 years.
You receive all course ware and experience that does not come from books. I show you how to build a confidence in your intuitive promptings, tap into your higher sources and to utilise the tarot as a modality to compliment your own ability.
My deck and book reinforces my knowledge that teaches you timing, accuracy and learning to tap into your intuitiveness.  This is your chance to  better understand the art of Tarot, the simplicity of the meanings and how to work both knowledgeable and competently. With Tarot
This is a workshop teaches you the skills  that will and can be utilised for self employment ,additional tools  or services offered for established business or for private use. I leave nothing out so that you can gain the best of all my years experience and knowledge of Tarot. You will not be disappointed! So if you ever wanted to learn the tarot or discover the world within the meanings, layouts combinations and much more. This course is perfect for you !

Picture Positive Not Perfection

It is a mental challenge when one thinks about that which one can and can not accomplish. The challenge is not that it is not viable but the perceptions that are gathered which create the picture, the outcome or supposed outcome.

Supposed? Yes, because often there is this small misconception that which is forming needs to be perfect. In the pursuit of such we lost the purpose of the positive picture that once was created to enhance these marvelous changes in the first place.

Oh I am talking from my own analytic mind. I too have some marvelous ideas and even self challenges that start with a small idea and grow into a lovely seed ready for planting. THEN like a swift change in season I am recreating that plan and fostering many ideas and before I know it the once applicable and realistic plan or idea has become larger than Ben Hur the epic movie.

My ideas and plans have character roles now! and like every drama there needs to be a moment of truth and reflection. You know that part in the movie where the lead character has a moment of inner thought and reassesses their life, the event or situation and finds the courage to find the solution.

Well in my case it is like - Hang on - start with the one plan and see it through, then create the next step! Like a bull at the gate that thought has taken on yet another round the world voyage of questioning whether I really should be doing this idea, plan or project at all? When lower Ego can find a back door it will.

I am now sitting back and contemplating my usual finesse of running up that hill and taking a great leap of faith, to questioning well I have done this before but it never worked out like I had hoped or anticipated. I find the key was how I tried to over perfect the idea or plan. How I had got this picture perfect ideal in my mind as to that which it should be or become. In doing so I lost the essence of that which I truly first envisioned.

Ok, so I can be a bit repetitive. Like a child that is told no and can't help but ask again just in-case circumstances have changed in that split 1 minute pause of hearing no! Until it is an inevitable reckoning that opens the conscious mind to well, it is definitely a no.

So where was I? picture positive not perfect, means you write down your reasons for that which you see in your life, in your goals and in your self. Look at this in realistic terms not with critical expectations. The ego can always find a way to knock the wind out of you self confidence and self esteem given half the chance. When we doubt out ability or self it is like a red flag and ego is charging forth the bowl you over and trample you some more.

The only way to be more conscious of your thoughts and ideals is to look at matters in am ore positive light. For may it was realising I had so many project and great ones at that, but they had not been fulfilled. I look at myself a tad disappointed thinking wow you have always done this and you finish 40 % not 100%. I was really critical of myself and my spreading my energy so thin I lost interest or it become too hard that I just left it half finished. Yes, ego was kicking me a few times as well.

I then went through and seen this with a new set of eyes. The unfinished projects or goals or ideas were now sitting there in their usual back burner form. I looked at each one and could see how I had started off great until I become overly creative! in the pursuit of making something happen I had gave it life, gave it a make over, 15 times and then decided it must need a nip and tuck because it was still not perfect. The end result reminds me of a joke I once heard.

" A lady in her 60's get his by car and goes to heaven. At the pearly gates she is met by God who says to her go back it is not your time you have many more years to live, well into your 90's. The lady is so excited to hear this is not her time and so she returns to her body and start to recover.

Thinking to herself well since I am in here and I am not going to die until my late 90's I may as well fix up a few things and turn back a few years. So she has a nose job, a tummy tuck, a face lift and all the things she felt she wanted to do, after all she going to be living well into her 90's.

All complete she leaves the hospital and on the way home decided to stop and buy a few groceries. As she crosses the road she is hit by a truck!

Up to heaven she goes and she is standing at the gate furious! God shows up......well ? said the said it was not my time I was to live well into my 90's! God replies, is that you ? sheez did not even recognise you!"

I can assure you changing and recognising your choices is not that dramatic lol. I took a moment to reassess my self and my actions. I started to realise I set myself up for that picture of perfect yet in my subconscious mind I know perfection is not a reality it is a perception.

The steps I took next were to help me see if my ideas, goals or plans were still applicable. Did they have sustenance or longevity? Where they stepping stones or foundation blocks that can be built upon? Could I see more in this now as I have taken a different perspective on the unfinished work?

Some were null and void but others I knew were waiting for me to grow into. I had started the idea, plan or project but had to acquire the knowledge or experience to see it through. I could see a collage of plans and ideas starting to take form. I also could hear my conscious mind say don't go doing no nipping and tucking and changing everything like last time either or your plans will be like that lady, unrecognizable.

1. Create the platform
2. Start to work it, mold it and see its viability
3. Consider if it is a shorty term exercise or a long term outcome
4. Look at the positives it is presenting be this growth, understanding, confidence etc
5. Remember -Perfection is a perception not a realistic outcome so enjoy the challenge of creating this and learning from the experiences.
6. Give yourself permission to change your mind.
7. Find your sense of purpose and that which you truly wish to accomplish by starting your new project, attitude and so forth.
8. Encourage yourself, support yourself and enjoy yourself.
9. Do not measure yourself against others, you are an individual and noone can be like you any you dont want to be someone else. Be strong and be proud!
10. It does not cost you money to start, it take energy. Once you have created your plan and started to put energy toward your personal goal it is amazing how the universe supports the right doors, people, support and so forth to see the once thought of plan or idea come to life.

So in coming to the finality of this blog, erase every doubt you have had that you can not possibly do it! You are able to achieve al ot more than you realise when you remove the doubts, limitations or the comparisons of what you feel is expected.

It can be a liberating feeling knowing you have followed through.- Picture Positive, Not Perfection and you will find a complete more fulling image of that which is attainable.

xx Cosmic Hugs xx